Briefly told … at least that’s the plan (subject to change):
Life has taken some cruel twists and turns for Atlee
High School coach RALLY AXSELLE … but now,
here he is, a game away from winning his – not to
mention the Raiders’ – first boys basketball
championship … and, suddenly, it all seems
worthwhile. Win or lose Friday night, Axselle will
have accomplished a lot, more than most of us. For
one thing, in the midst of this living-the-dream
season, he left his day job as middle-school teacher,
to help out at home … where sister ANNE MARIE
AXSELLE was coming to the premature end of a
life that could only be described as INSPIRING.
We didn’t have to ask Rally if Friday’s game with
Varina at the Siegel Center in downtown Richmond
will be dedicated to Anne Marie. Come to think of it,
she would have loved just being there. To Anne
Marie, her brother already was a winner. The feeling
was mutual … and that’s what really matters after
SO … HBO’s “Hard Knocks” will not feature BILL
BELICHICK’s 2025 North Carolina Tar Heels after
all. Something about the seven-time Super Bowl-
winning coach wanting more creative control.
Surprise? No … When the inside look at pre-season
preparations couldn’t get an NFL team to participate,
Belichick, 72, making his college-coaching debut,
volunteered … presumably as long as he would be
treated kindly, which was a long-shot at best …
Nobody has fessed up – yet – but wanna bet he put
his 23 year old girl friend off limits, and HBO,
knowing that would be a main reason why anyone
would tune in, tried to get Belichick to change his
mind – and failed … Based on some pictures we’ve
seen of JORDON HUDSON with her old man …
sorry, Belichick … she wouldn’t have minded the
added exposure at all.
IF YOU think the college football playoffs are
stacked in favor of the SEC and Big 18 … wait until
the lineup for March Madness is released … The
more I hear about schools with good NET, having x-
number of wins against rivals in Quad I, the more I
understand how screwed up the selection process has
become … Check out the list of requirements the
selection committee must follow, a convoluted
process apparently drawn up by someone who hates
hoops (and makes no secret of it) … Whatever
happened to the good, old, proven eye test?
NEXT TIME you hear blackmail ridiculed …
remind them about what Florida State and Clemson
did to the group that should be formerly known as
the Atlantic Coast Conference… Last week they
settled with the ACC, having brought lawsuits
against the other member schools over a squabble
that began with FSU being left out of the 2023
football playoffs (despite being unbeaten) and wound
up down and dirty over the payment required to
leave the brotherhood said to be as much as $500
million … In the end, FSU and Clemson got what
they’ve wanted for a long time … when the
conference agreed to let the football heavyweights
take more than an equal share of ESPN’s money –
get this: based on TV ratings, which always have
been suspect ... before the first 24-hour all-sports
network was born in 1979.
ONE GUESS who said:
“Baseball is dying all over the place. It should get off its
fat, lazy ass and put PETE ROSE in the Hall of Fame.”
You are correct, sir …it was President DONALD
TRUMP, while announcing a pardon for the game’s all-
time leader in base hits … that should make him eligible
(at last) for induction … Now, all Rose, who died less
than a year ago at age 83, needs is the required 75 per
cent minimum of the votes. Good luck with that,
especially with Trump, hardly a friend of the media
entrusted with the final say, in his corner.
Until next time ...
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