If you missed Sunday night’s Bills/Jets game, count yourself 

lucky. Boy, what a mess … of missed kicks, poor execution, 

dropped passes, etc., … but mostly a case of really bad 

officiating … that confused everybody … most of all 

ESPN’s JOE BUCK and TROY AIKMAN, who kept 

guessing about what was being called … and got it wrong 

more often than not … which the NFL crew could be 

accused of, too … and was … Jets’ QB AARON 

RODGERS went off on the officials after the game, won by 

Buffalo 23-20 … despite, Buck said, “Penalties all over the 


Referee ADRIAN HILL and associates threw … are you 

ready for this?… about 30 flags … of which only 22 

penalties were walked off … 11 against each team … for a 

total of 214 yards … Say about because at least one 

infraction was over-ruled by NFL Control in New York and 

one flag (we know of, thanks to Hill) was picked up. Three 

times penalties were offsetting … including ridiculous calls 

that went against both teams. Then there were a number of 

phantom calls for holding and one for a defensive player 

hitting an opponent below the knees … that left Aikman 

doing his best to tell viewers he agreed but convincing no 

one including himself … Would you believe only one 

penalty was walked off in the first quarter? Five yards for an 

illegal formation that (temporarily) deprived Buffalo of a 

touchdown on the game’s first drive. 

Both kicking specialists – GREG ZUERLEIN of New York 

and Buffalo’s TYLER BASS – each failed to convert a pair 

of makable kicks. Zuerlein clanged short field goals off the 

left upright … which Aikman tried to excuse, noting how 

much the wind was swirling then came to his senses, saying, 

“You should make those.” … Bass likewise was errant on a 

three-point attempt … but easily had one of the worst extra-

point conversion attempts in NFL… make that football … 


In other words, if you are tempted to catch the replay on The 

NFL Network, don’t. If you taped it … do yourself a favor 

… hit DELETE. Do it now … that is, unless you enjoy 

watching officials being featured … taking over a game … 

making fools of themselves … Buck finally had enough of 

the nonsense, suggesting that referee “Aidan Hill is going to 

need a SAG [screen actors’ guild] card at the end of this 

night he’s been on TV so much.” … When there was 

considerable delay before Bass hit the game-winning FG 

from 22 yards … the officials huddling (again) for several 

minutes … Aikman couldn’t help himself either … going 

snarky with … “I think they’re waiting for someone in New 

York to tell them [what to do],” he said.

Did you know (courtesy of ESPN graphics) that 

Rodgers, who had a Green Bay franchise-record 69 

games of 300 or more yards passing, hasn’t had one 

since Game 14 of the 2021 season? … He came 

close Saturday night – 296 -- thanks to a 52-yard 

Hail Mary (caught by ALAN LAZARD) to end the 

first half … and no thanks to the Jets’ final snap … 

which was intercepted for the game’s only turnover 

… that he later blamed on intended receiver MIKE 

WILLIAMS for running the wrong route.

Everything you need to know about the game … 

fumbles that weren’t fumbles, penalties that weren’t 

and assorted other questionable calls … were on 

display during the home team’s last, ill-fated drive 

… in which the Jets arguably got a BIG break … on 

the first play from their 30 when the ball slipped out 

of Rodgers’ hand … after he started to throw it, 

apparently changed his mind and was ruled a fumble 

on the field. Bills recovered. Game over? … “His 

arm is moving forward for sure … [but] was he 

throwing it? It doesn’t look like he was,” Aikman 

said, watching the replay. “I agree with the call … a 


No sooner did he give his expert opinion than we 

hear Hill tell the assembled … “After review … a 

correction. It was determined a forward, incomplete 

pass. Second down.” … Said Buck, “So they end up 

changing the call … with assistance from above. 

This has been a crazy game.” And it only got crazier 

… Third down from the NY 36. Rogers overthrows 

his receiver but pass interference is called against the 

defense even though “this was a high ball and … 

could it be called uncatchable?” Aikman said. 

“Possibly.” … Next snap … two flags for holding, 

one on each team. “I guess they’ve got to throw the 

flag for something,” Aikman said, disgustedly, after 

replay betrayed the officials again … Another snap, 

another holding call … against the Jets negating a 

nice gain. Third and 16 at the NY 40: Rodgers rares 

back and goes deep … The ball is under thrown for 

Williams who slips to the ground ostensibly pulling 

up, changing direction … and still has a shot at a 

reception only to have TARON JOHNSON drive in 

front of him for the INT. Cut to Rodgers ...who 

obviously isn’t pleased … but unlike most 

quarterbacks tells it like he thinks it is … even if it 

means pointing a finger at someone else … and not 

at yourself. A real sweet heart, A. Rodgers … After 

the game, it was announced the Jets had acquired his 

former teammate with the Packers, receiver

 DAVONTE ADAMS, from Las Vegas. Wednesday  

Williams skipped practice, leading to unconfirmed

rumors the former first-round draft choice of the 

Chargers from Clemson had been put on waivers.

Until next time ...



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